Friday, 27 January 2017

Beautifull Himalyas.

The word ‘Hima’ in Sanskrit is ‘snow’ and the word, ‘alaya’ means ‘abode. But the mighty mountain ranges of the Himalayas is more than just an abode of snow. It’s Mother Nature’s biggest miracle. The Himalayas are the roof of the world, overwhelming us with their sheer magnificence and size and humbling us by giving us a true perspective of how small and insignificant we humans are. Home to eight of the ten highest mountains in the world with Mount Everest being the highest, the Himalayas is revered the world over. While adventurers look at Himalayas as a constant challenge that helps them discover their inner strength, for those on a quest for beauty, the mountain ranges offers the most virgin, pristine and stunning landscapes ever known to man. But for individuals on a spiritual journey, Himalayas is the ultimate destination.


The ancient mountain is considered an abode of the Gods and the spiritual centre of the world. Hundreds of temples and shrines dot the Himalayan foothills even as the mist-shrouded snow-capped peaks have given birth to many mythological stories and legends that form the backbone of Indian culture and religions. In fact, a trip to the Himalayas is considered to be the ultimate pilgrimage in South-East Asia.